High-efficiency coherent microwave-to-optics conversion via off-resonant scattering

High-efficiency coherent microwave-to-optics conversion via off-resonant scattering

Nature Photonics (2022)


Quantum transducers that can convert quantum signals from the microwave to the optical domain are a crucial optical interface for quantum information technology. Coherent microwave-to-optics conversions have been realized with various physical platforms, but all of them are limited to low efficiencies of less than 50%—the threshold of the no-cloning quantum regime. Here we report coherent microwave-to-optics transduction using Rydberg atoms and off-resonant scattering technique with an efficiency of 82 ± 2% and a bandwidth of about 1 MHz. The high conversion efficiency is maintained for microwave photons ranging from thousands to about 50, suggesting that our transduction is readily applicable to the single-photon level. Without requiring cavities or aggressive cooling for the quantum ground states, our results would push atomic transducers closer to practical applications in quantum technologies.


We thank T. Vogt, W. Li, J. Han and W. Li for useful discussions. The work was supported by the Key Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong province (grant nos. 2019B030330001 (S.-L.Z., H.Y., K.-Y.L. and X.-D.Z.) and 2020B0301030008 (H.Y.)); the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 91636218 (S.-L.Z., H.Y. and K.-Y.L.), 11804104 (K.-Y.L.), 11822403 (H.Y.), 61875060 (X.-D.Z.), U1801661 (S.-L.Z. and H.Y.) and U20A2074 (H.Y.)); the Key Project of Science and Technology of Guangzhou (grant nos. 201902020002 (X.-D.Z.) and 2019050001 (S.-L.Z. and H.Y.)); and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (grant no. 2020YFA0309500 (Z.-X.Z.)).