
  • 基本情况

  • 邵志刚, 男

  • 物理学,博士, 教授, 博导

  • 通讯地址: 华南师范大学物理学院 理六栋311室 邮编:510006

  • 研究方向

    1) 纳米材料性质理论计算 (需要基础:编程、固体物理、普通物理)
    通过Materials studio等第一性原理计算二维材料如石墨烯的一些物理性质研究(如电,光,力,热,电磁等)。非平衡格林函数计算电子输运性质。
    (除自己写程序外,主要用到和参考相关软件有:MS,VASP,ATK,ANSYS,Comsol Multiphysics, lammps, phonopy,WIEN2K,SIESTA,CPMD,ABINIT,quantum-espresso, DL_POLY,GROMACS)

    2)时间序列数据挖掘 (需要基础:编程、数理统计)

    3)统计物理 (需要基础:编程、数理统计、非线性物理)与AI方向
    集体运动(collective motion)模拟,粒子输运与扩散,复杂网络,分形,混沌,同步等。

  • 招生信息



  • 教育经历

    本科: 1997-2001 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院,材料物理
    博士: 2001-2006 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院,凝聚态物理 硕博连读(导师:邹宪武教授)
    2006.9-2009.12 香港浸会大学非线性研究中心,博士后研究工作,合作导师:胡斑比教授
    2010.1 -2023.6  华南师范大学物理与电信工程学院 

    2023.7-至今        华南师范大学物理学院 

    2014.5.6— 2015.5.24 美国普渡大学 物理系 访问学者 合作导师:Yong P. Chen

  • 承担过课程


  • 主要项目与成果

  • 科研项目, 2020年, 国家自然科学面上基金:新型平面狄拉克碳材料的物理性质及气体吸附的理论研究

  • 科研项目, 2018年, 广东省自然科学基金:基于非线性时间序列分析的冰芯多时间尺度统计特征研究

  • 科研项目, 2012年, 国家自然科学青年基金:低维晶格体系中负微分热阻现象的研究

  • 科研项目, 2010年, 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培育项目:低维材料中负微分热阻现象的研究

  • 个人荣誉, 2014年, 广东省高等学校“千百十人才培养工程” 第八批校级培养对象

  • 指导学生情况与学生成果

  • 竞赛, 本科生, 2019年, 广东省第二十届大学生物理实验设计大赛一等奖

  • 竞赛, 本科生, 2013年, 广东省第十四届大学生物理实验设计大赛二等奖

  • 本科生,2019年,优秀本科毕业论文(2人),2021年,优秀本科毕业论文(1人)

  • 科研, 本科生, 2019年, 校级大学生创新创业训练

  • 科研, 硕士生, 2020年, 优秀毕业生

  • 科研, 硕士生, 2014年, 2022年,国家奖学金

1)Z.-L. Sun, Z.-G. Shao, C.-L. Wang, and L.Yang,  Electronic and optical properties of boron and nitrogen pair co-doped 6,6,12-graphyne nanosheet, Carbon 110, 313-320  (2016) 

2)H.-B. Li, Y.-T. Feng, Z.-G. Shao, C.-L. Wang, and L.Yang, First-principles study of CO gas adsorption on pristine and Fe-doped H4,4,4-graphyne. Applied Surface Science 586,152749 (2022)

3)Bai Li, Zhi-Gang Shao, Adsorption of DNA/RNA Nucleobases and Base Pairs on Penta-Graphene from First Principles. Applied Surface Science 512,145635 (2020)

4)Can-Peng Zhang, Bai Li, Zhi-Gang Shao, First-principle investigation of CO and CO2 adsorption on Fe-doped penta-graphene, Applied Surface Science 469,641-646  (2019)
5)Wen-Ming Luo, Zhi-Gang Shao and Mou Yang, Photogalvanic Effect in Nitrogen-Doped Monolayer MoS2 from First Principles. Nanoscale Res Lett 14, 380 (2019) doi:10.1186/s11671-019-3222-5
6)Z.-G. Shao, B.-q. Ai, and W.-R. Zhong, The effect of defects on negative differential thermal resistance in symmetric graphene nanoribbons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 013106 (2014)
7) X.-S. Ye, Z.-G. Shao, H. Zhao, L.Yang, and C.-L. Wang, Intrinsic carrier mobility of germanene is larger than graphene’s: first-principle calculations, RSC Advances, 4, 21216–21220 (2014)
8) Zhi-Gang Shao, Lei Yang, Ho-Kei Chan,and Bambi Hu, Transition from exhibition to nonexhibition of negative differential thermal resistance in the two-segment Frenkel-Kontorova model, Phys. Rev. E 79,061119 (2009)
9) Zhi-Gang Shao, Lei Yang, Wei-Rong Zhong, Da-Hai He, and Bambi Hu, Scaling and the thermal conductivity of the Frenkel-Kontorova model, Phys. Rev. E 78,061130 (2008).

10) Bei-Wei Zhang, Bing-Quan Zhang, Zhi-Gang Shao and Xianqiu Wu; Interactions of the Biphenylene Network with α-Helical and β-Sheet Proteins: Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Langmuir 40, 22540–22548 (2024. 10).

1) Z.-G. Shao & P. D. Ditlevsen. Contrasting scaling properties of interglacial and glacial climates. Nature communications 7:10951 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10951 (2016) 
2)Z.-G. Shao, H.-H. Wang, Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of the δ18O record of NGRIP ice core, Climate Dynamics 43(7-8), 2105-2109 (2014)
3)Z.-G. Shao, Network analysis of human heartbeat dynamics, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 073703 (2010).

C: 统计物理

1) Jun Huang and Zhi-Gang ShaoCollective motion of binary chiral particle mixtures with environmental complex noise. Phys. Rev. E 110, 034135 (2024)

2)B.-Q. Zhang, Z.-G. Shao, Collective motion of chiral particles based on the Vicsek model, Physica A 598, 127373 (2022)

3) B.-Q. Zhang, Z.-G. Shao, Collective motion of self-propelled particles with complex noise environments, Physica A 563, 125382 (2021)

4) Z.-G. Shao and Yan-Yan Yang, Effective strategies of collective evacuation from an enclosed space, Physica A 427, 34-39 (2015)

5)Jun Huang and Zhi-Gang ShaoCollective motion of chiral particles in complex noise environments. Eur. Phys. J. E 47, 11 (2024. 2).

6)Bao-quan Ai, Zhi-gang Shao, and Wei-rong Zhong, Rectified Brownian transport in corrugated channels: Fractional Brownian motion and Lévy flights, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 174101 (2012)

7)Bao-quan Ai, Zhi-gang Shao, Wei-rong Zhong. Mixing and demixing of binary mixtures of polar chiral active particles. Soft matter 14 (21), 4388-4395 (2018)
8)S.-Y. Huang, X.-W. Zou, Z.-G. Shao, Z.-J. Tan, and Z.-Z. Jin, Particle-cluster aggregation on a small-world network, Phys. Rev. E 69(6), 067104/1-4 (2004)
9)S.-Y. Huang, X.-W. Zou, Z.-J. Tan,Z.-G. Shao, and Z.-Z. Jin, Critical behavior of efficiency dynamics in small-world networks, Phys. Rev. E 68(1), 016107/1-5 (2003).


1、Fang-Hao Zhang, Zhi-Gang Shao, ST-GRF: Spatiotemporal graph neural networks for rainfall forecasting, Digital Signal Processing 136 (2023.5) 103989 3区 2.9

2、Pu-Xiang Lian, Zhi-Gang Shao, Improving action quality assessment with across-staged temporal reasoning on imbalanced data, Applied Intelligence (2023) 53:30443–30454 二区 5.3

3、Zhendong Hu, Fanghao Zhang, and Zhigang Shao; Priority Intra-model Adaptation for Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition. Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications. ICIC 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14872, pp. 3-14, (2024. 7). (International Conference on Intelligent Computing). 


1、Sheng Wu, Guangyu Zhou, Yafen Wu, Puxian Xiong, Binli Xiao, Zhiyao Zhou, Yao Xiao, Peishan Shao, Shouping Wang, Zhigang Shao, Yinzhen Wang, Feifei Wang; Multiple Defect-Induced High-Resolution Near-Infrared Mechanoluminescent Materials for Non-Destructive Detection of Blood Glucose and Lipids. Advanced Materials 36, 2408508(2024.11)

2、Sheng Wu, Shunyu Wang, Binli Xiao, Zhiyao Zhou, Hanze Yu, Zhigang Shao, Yinzhen Wang, Puxian Xiong; Regulating Broadband Near-Infrared Mechanoluminescence via Energy-Level Engineering for Potential Biomechanical Imaging. Laser Photonics Rev. 2025, 19,2401441 (2025. 2).