2025年03月11日 物理学院学术报告(第5期) 国防科技大学李永强教授


报告题目:Emergent topology and universal transport in far-from-equilibrium dynamics of strongly interacting ultracold gases in optical lattices

报告专家:李永强教授    国防科技大学

报告时间:2025年03月11日(周二)10 : 00

报告地点:理6栋302      邀请人:贺亮


Ultracold quantum gases offer a unique setup for quantum simulation of interacting many-body systems. The high degree of controllability and the novel detection possibilities in these quantum systems provide an exciting complementary setup compared with condensed-matter physics. One of the most interesting directions in quantum simulations with ultracold atoms is to combine topological quantum matter and strongly correlated systems. In this talk, I will review the recent processes in a number of experimental areas, and recent advance in our group, where we mainly focus on the interplay of topology, interactions, and non-equilibrium dynamics of ultracold gases in optical lattices. Firstly, I will focus on topology in far-from-equilibrium relaxation dynamics in interacting lattices. Here, we propose a protocol based on time-evolved stationary states of ultracold interacting bosonic gases in an optical lattice to study nontrivial topology of high-lying excited states. Secondly, I will talk about universal dynamics of far-from-equilibrium transport of strongly interacting topological systems.


李永强,国防科技大学理学院物理系教授。2012年毕业于德国法兰克福大学获得博士学位,并加入国防科技大学至今,入选国家级青年人才计划、军队高层次人才、湖南省科技领军人才、湖南省杰青。主要研究方向为光晶格超冷原子量子模拟和量子精密测量,在Phys. Rev. Lett.等学术期刊发表论文50余篇,主要成果包括预言了三维光晶格中强关联超流态的Higgs激发模式,并被后续实验证实;预言了光腔囚禁冷原子体系中的超辐射Mott绝缘相,后被苏黎世联邦理工和汉堡大学的实验证实;预言了光晶格冷原子体系中由原子间短程相互作用诱导的自发自旋轨道耦合等。