2025年03月14日 物理学院学术报告(第6期)深圳国际量子研究院钟有鹏研究员


报告题目:A thermal-noise-resilient microwave quantum network traversing 4 K

报告专家:钟有鹏 研究员 深圳国际量子研究院

报告时间:2025年3月14日(周五)14: 30

报告地点:理6栋302      邀请人:李赛


Quantum communication at microwave frequencies has been fundamentally constrained by the susceptibility of microwave photons to thermal noise, hindering their application in scalable quantum networks. Here we demonstrate a thermal-noise-resilient microwave quantum network that establishes coherent coupling between two superconducting qubits through a 4 K thermalized niobium titanium transmission line. By overcoupling the communication channel to a cold load at 10 mK, we suppress the effective thermal occupancy of the channel to 0.06 photons through radiative cooling – a two-order-of-magnitude reduction below ambient thermal noise. We then decouple the cold load and rapidly transfer microwave quantum states through the channel while it rethermalizes, achieving a 58.5% state transfer fidelity and a 52.3% Bell entanglement fidelity, both exceeding the classical communication threshold. Our architecture overcomes the temperature-compatibility barrier for microwave quantum systems, providing a scalable framework for distributed quantum computing and enabling hybrid quantum networks with higher-temperature semiconductor or photonic platforms.


钟有鹏,深圳国际量子研究院研究员,入选国家青年人才项目。2013年本科毕业于浙江大学,2019年博士毕业于芝加哥大学,随后在芝加哥大学继续一年多的博士后研究。2020年-2025年在南方科技大学工作,2025年1月加入深圳国际量子研究院。主要从事超导量子计算实验研究,发表SCI 论文30 余篇,包括以第一/通信作者在Nature, Nature Electronics, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, PRL等国际期刊发表论文,代表性成果包括多比特最大纠缠态(GHZ态)的跨芯片传输,超低损耗量子芯片互联等。